Welcome to Alarm Repair and Service website. We have been installing, repairing and servicing burglar alarms for 20 years. We are Government Licensed with the Ministry of Justice under the Security Guards and Private Investigators Act and have a level 3 security technician certificate, as well I attending training at the various alarm wholesalers for their different alarms Your alarm system will need some service over its working life to ensure that it remains in optimum running order. The last thing you want is for your alarm to fail just when it is needed! Most alarms have at least one back up battery, it is usually a rechargeable lead acid battery similar to the one in your car, and just like the battery in your car, these batteries have a limited life and will need to be replaced at regular intervals, ideally every 3 years. Yes batteries do last longer, however the purpose of a backup battery is to take over and run the alarm in the event of a power cut or someone turning off the power to your house or business, and to be able to carry out this function they should have an adequate reserve. The outside siren lives in a harsh environment, being out in the weather, and deteriorates faster than other components. Security detectors also collect dust and insects. The systems should be tested to ensure every component is working. Modern electronics are usually very reliable, and your alarm system should give you many years of use with regular servicing. However some alarms will have reached the end of their economic life, when it is no longer viable to repair. We can advise you on a modern replacement.